Let Me Help You

How do i work?
I offer one on one sessions online and in person, location permitting. I specialize in adults at midlife, working with you to navigate this vital life stage. Midlife is often seen as a time of crisis, both personally and career wise, a time when marriages, relationships and careers are in crisis. However, midlife is a period of vast potential and in my view, the most potent phase of adult development. I offer a comfortable and confidential space in which to assess your life, free of expectation or judgement. My focus is on adult actualization, developing insights and self-awareness, that allow you to live a fuller and richer life.

Why Counselling?
The ultimate goal is to work towards a full, rich, self- aware life.
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How can i help you?
Dr Louisa is a psychotherapist specializing in change at midlife. Let me help you you with changes in your relationships, career, personal growth, better conflict management and in general, getting to know and understand yourself better. Change starts with you, getting to know yourself is the first step.